My Thyroid Health

It’s hard to tell when my thyroid started misbehaving. The symptoms are so broad that I haven’t been able to say for sure if they’re the cause for so many things going wrong in my physical body as well as my mental health. But I can tell you that I have suffered from severe migraines…

“C” is for Cooper

A couple of weeks ago, I ran my very first custom baby blanket giveaway on my instagram and Facebook accounts for Tiny Touch Of Yellow and it was more successful than I thought! I had 36 entries in the few days that I ran the contest and was so pleased to announce the winner to…

Owl Flannel and Coral Minky Baby Blanket

I was so excited when all my fabric came in yesterday from I came home from work to a BIG BOX sitting in the middle of my kitchen floor. It always feels a lot like Christmas when that happens. I threw it all in the washing machine and had to separate it into two loads…

Finding you

I don’t know what I was expecting when I came to understand a year ago today that I was going to be a mother. I can’t remember what I was thinking, I just know that I wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t expecting to be able to feel every minute pass by, constantly aware of every…

A Quilt for the Queen

When I think of my childhood home, I am hit with visions of cozy blankets and pillows, checkered curtains, perfectly placed candles, American flag themed decorations and the wonderful smell of home baked goods. Our home was never lonely, with our multiple pets, my three brothers and all the stray children that came along with…

For Lillian, From Mommy

Dear Lillian, I’m torn here. You see, I want you to grow big and strong, but I also wish for you to stay little forever. People warn me all the time about you growing too fast. They tell me “treasure every moment” because these moments are fleeting and we must hold onto them. That’s why I…

Cloth Diapering: BumGenius VS BabyGoal

Today, the words “cloth diaper” bring to mind a double-layer cloth wrapped around a baby, fastened with safety pins. Although these still exist, there are newer and improved versions of a cloth diaper, complete with waterproof liner, softer fabric and dozens of snaps to make them super adjustable. Why choose cloth diapers over disposable ones?…

Lots To Learn

Lillian is three months old today and she is growing wonderfully. She loves to kick and splash during bath time, she chats with us about her dreams every morning, and she never fails to give a big smile after spewing all over my fifth shirt of the day. I am so excited for her to begin…


I have been employed at Whole Foods Market for a couple of years now. In that timeframe, I have been in two different departments, held a supervisor position, met my (now) fiancé and gave birth to our beautiful daughter. I started off as a cashier, worked my way over to the bakery (where I voluntarily taste-tested EVERYTHING)…